Monday, August 31, 2009


so my stomach is killing me. i've litterally done nothing but lay on this couch, which i learn jamie was correct. it is effin' uncomfortable. currently it feels like someone is stabbing rusty knife into my stomch and twisting around then just kicking it. unfortunately this is something that freqently happens. what is even more unfortunate is that the doctors say they can't figure it out. they sent me to a specialist who was an idiot. everytime i went there he'd tap & push on my stomach, hurting it more than it already was, just to tell me that he doesn't think it was that he thought it was the time before. and then he gives me another perscription and says "this should work if the problem is what i think it is." for a while i got my hopes up like yeahhh finally i'm going to start getting better! just for a month or so to go by on the meds for me to be curled up in unbearable pain. this doctor has "an idea" of what is wrong, but he was like "you see this is a lifelong thing so i don't want to diagnose you with that unless i know for certain."
so apparently my health is just a game, he's gambling with medicines, just when he loses he wins and makes more money, kind of ass backwards? i'd say so.
so when people suggest i go to the doctors or the emergency room because they can tell that i'm in so much pain i simplely reply "they do nothing. it'd be a pointless trip." it sucks but it is true. they drug me up for however long i'm there, steal my blood, make me drink nasty chalky shit that only makes me want to puke more, just to tell me to go see my specialist for stomach pains... welcome to the ER we specialize in common sense.

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