Tuesday, August 25, 2009


so tonight we're having a sleepover, i've needed this for a long time. just a girls night. i miss these two so effin' much and being around them is just grand. they are two of the most fantastic people. i know i can tell them whatever and they'll keep it in this room. they won't taunt me for it, or change their opinion on me. i love it.

so i decided jamie's place is gonna be a swell ass crash site, so just like the aliens, i'm landing rightt herrrrrrrrrr, and might get stuck here. : ] but i might enjoy this more then the aliens. no i willl enjoy this.

right now we are watching some goonies. : ]

akela is going to get a lap top so her, jamie and i can go to to starbucks and pretend to be important. : ]

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